Birte Hosoda
Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie

“Every day in every way I'm getting better and better.”
Any kind of mental disorder is preceded by an inner imbalance. People have lost touch with their inner voice and needs and over time became estranged from themselves. Depending on the individual predisposition, this imbalance then shows up as a collection of symptoms, which in turn is given the stamp of a diagnosis. Even if our healthcare system prefers to work with these stamps, it's always about bringing people back to their very individual center and the path to take is also highly individual.
Nevertheless, it is the well-established categorizations that we use to describe our imbalances. Only very few people correspond with a clear cut diagnosis, though. Eating problems often go hand in hand with depressive episodes and burnout with fear and anxiety. Below I list a few of the common diagnoses that I am ready to assist you with. However, even if you don't fall into this "grid", please get in touch and together we will look into available options.
This training lays its focus exclusively on your desire to be a non-smoker. In a single session, lasting about 2-3 hours we will take a close look at your smoking behaviour and then anchor your new mechanisms through hypnosis .
A healthy weight is crucial for our wellbeing. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems, improves physical fitness and increases the quality of life. When we feel good about our bodies, it boosts our self-confidence and mental health, leading to an overall happier life.
Despite these benefits, many people find it difficult to lose weight or maintain a reduced weight. We often fight against ourselves and give up too quickly. This is where the hypnosis approach to weight management comes in: your subconscious becomes your friend and supporter, making behavioral changes easier and more natural.
In three appointments, which take place approximately two weeks apart, we will devote ourselves intensively to your desire for a healthier, easier life. Together we will develop individual suggestions that will sustainably support your subconscious and accompany you on your path.
Phobias differ from anxiety in that they are clearly defined. For example, there are phobias of spiders, mice, flying, or certain foods. Most of these can be dealt with successfully in just a few sessions.
However, fears or anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia, in which there is fear of public places and crowds of people, can impair the quality of life severely. The same is true for social anxiety, which causes people to avoid any situations in which social interaction is required, thus withdrawing more and more from normal life.
According to the Federal Statistical Office, about a quarter of the (German) population will be affected by an anxiety disorder in the course of their lives. Various studies have shown that hypnotherapy is a highly effective method in the treatment of anxiety disorders and is used successfully worldwide.
As early as the 12th century, the monk Bernard of Clairvaux wrote in a letter to Pope Eugene III: "I am afraid that you are wedged in your numerous occupations and see no way out and therefore harden your forehead; that you gradually get rid of the feeling for a quite right and healing pain. (...)" A sentence that appears almost prophetic from today's perspective.
This alienation from the self is omnipresent in the 21st century and by no means only affects managers or hospital staff, but just as well mothers; teachers or parcel carriers. The aim of therapy is to use a combination of hypnosis and coaching in order to reestablish contact with your own needs and to be able to set healthy boundaries.